Home Birth Services
Midwifery Care &
Home Birth Services
Planning a home birth with a Licensed Midwife is a warm and supportive experience from the beginning. My philosophy is that a healthy pregnancy is a normal and natural event in a woman’s life that rarely requires medical intervention. (And when it does, I am still there to support you and keep you and your baby safe). My job is to support and guide you as we work together to optimize your health and well-being to set you up for the best possible home birth experience. I provide comprehensive, individualized care from pre-conception through labor and birth and continue to care for you and your baby for 6 weeks postpartum. New clients sign into care at all points throughout their pregnancies. Some call as soon as they begin planning a pregnancy, having known for years that they want to plan a home birth with a Midwife. Others start midwifery care at the end of pregnancy, having just learned that home birth is a safe, affordable option that offers a more empowering experience for families. Its never too early or too late to choose home birth with a Licensed Midwife!
We work together throughout your pregnancy to make adjustments that work for you. This process is fun and delicious! My goal is to guide you through your pregnancy and home birth, becoming healthier in mind and body then when you first became pregnant. I offer practical guidance, tools and resources to help you develop systems and achieve your goals for pregnancy, home birth, and the health and wellbeing of your whole family.
Lab Work, Tests & Ultrasounds
We can order all routine lab work, prenatal testing and ultrasounds that you would be offered with an OBGYN. For most people, I can order these things through insurance so there is little or no out-of-pocket cost. In fact, I often go above and beyond standard testing to investigate other indicators of optimal health during pregnancy, such as Hemaglobin A1c (blood sugar regulation), thyroid testing, and vitamin D levels. In addition to lab testing, we discuss nutrition, hydration, activity and stress management regularly.
Prenatal Care
We offer all standard prenatal care and testing, but you get to choose which tests you do and don’t want for your peeThe prenatal care schedule is the same that you would get with an OB. Monthly visits until 28 weeks of pregnancy, then biweekly until 36 weeks, then weekly until you have your baby. However, instead of 15-20 minute appointments, we have a whole hour together at each prenatal visit. This gives us plenty of time to take care of the clinical aspects of care, discuss lifestyle points as mentioned above, and discuss your questions, goals and desires at length. We get to know each other well over the course of your care, so that by the time you go into labor we have built a relationship of trust and understanding. All your prenatal testing and newborn care options are discussed and recorded in your chart ahead of time, so that you do not have to defend your choices when you are in labor. This way you can relax and focus on the process of labor and birth, rather than defending your choices.
Labor & Delivery Care
First time mamma Irina meets her son after a beautiful home water birth.
We go over ‘when to call the midwife’ several times throughout your prenatal care, but one of the great things about working with a midwife is that you get my personal cell phone number and can call anytime with questions or concerns. I go “on-call” for your home birth from 37 weeks of pregnancy, and can attend your birth at home until 42 weeks. When labor has started and its time for me to come over, I bring all of my midwifery bags and equipment. This includes sterile instruments, oxygen and resuscitation equipment, antihemorrhagic medications, herbs, homeopathy, and so so much more. Once active labor is established, I stay with you, monitoring you and your baby’s vitals and wellbeing, offering support and encouragement until your baby is born and for 2-4 hours after the birth. When baby is born, they go directly onto your belly and the cord stays intact. This greatly assists the baby make the transition to breathing air and starting a vigorous, healthy life. After the birth, I make sure that you and baby are both doing well. I do a full newborn exam, make sure you get something to eat, do the birth laundry and eventually tuck you and baby into bed to get some rest. Older children, friends, and family members are welcome to attend your birth.
Postpartum and Newborn Care
This is something that is almost entirely missing from standard care, and is something that I am very passionate about as a midwife. After the birth, I return for 5 postpartum visits to do full medical and wellness checkups for both you and your baby. I return to your home for the first two weeks of postpartum care so you and your family can focus on recovery and caring for your newborn, instead of running to multiple appointments. These visits are also scheduled for a full hour and I evaluate physical healing, breastfeeding, sleep, emotional well-being, and support for mom. Plus, midwives also do all the standard newborn care and testing such as: evaluating heart and lung health, diaper output, feeding (challenges/issues), weight gain, comfort techniques and of course, answering ALL THE QUESTIONS!
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC / HBAC / VBA2C)
Ariana is a VBAC specialist. She did an additional year of training beyond basic licensure requirements in an apprenticeship with world-renowned midwife Lynn Arnold, LM, CPM. This training focused on VBAC and the exceptional care needed for families planning a VBAC at home (HBAC). This includes screening appropriate VBAC candidates, monitoring safety throughout pregnancy and birth, as well as birth education, physical, and mental preparation for labor and birth after a previous cesarean.
Miranda celebrates a successful VBAC at home!
Whats included?
All prenatal care- 1hr visits monthly until 28wks, every 2weeks until 36wks, then weekly until you give birth
Natural labor stimulation if needed after 41wks of pregnancy
Obtaining medical records
Access to your chart via a “Patient Portal”
Extra visits for concerns & problems
Education, guidance & recommendations
Access to trusted resources for supportive complimentary care
Transfer planning and continued care through and after transfer
24/7 availability for questions and concerns
Emergency care, equipment and medications
On-call services from 37-42 weeks of pregnancy
Labor & Delivery services
Birth Tub Services
Assistant Midwife services
Postpartum Care-1hr visits for mom & baby
Birth certificate registration
Instructions for obtaining baby’s social security number
Basic Ultrasound Services
Additional Services: Add-on or A-la-Carte
Doula Services - $1,800
We have two “in-house” doulas that work directly with Next Generation Midwifery clients and provide tailored services to your home birth experience with us. We also provide resources and referrals to doulas outside of our practice so that you can find the right fit and support that you need for your pregnancy and birth.
Kari Beddow - BelliesBirthandBabies.com
Kari is currently enrolled at the National College of Midwifery and is an advanced apprentice with us at Next Generation Midwifery. She is also an experienced birth and postpartum doula.
Midwifery Support for Hospital Birth Services - $4,500
This service includes midwifery prenatal care and labor care at home with a planned transfer to the hospital during labor. The midwife will then serve as an expert doula and informational support person during your planned hospital birth.
Placenta Encapsulation - $300
Kari Beddow provides placenta encapsulation to all of our clients as an add-on service. You can rest assured your placenta is in great hands and is handled with the utmost care and respect. She encapsulates, provides a placenta print and more!
Water Birth / Birth Tub Rental - $250
Rent a tub for your water birth at home! This package includes all supplies needed to fill and drain your tub, tub liner, poop scooper, floor protection, hose fittings and instructions.
Postpartum Support Package - $1,500
This is a package of 5 postpartum visits. 3 home visits and two office visits to care for you and your bundle of joy in the first 6 weeks postpartum. Enjoy all standard newborn care plus on-call support for questions and a major focus on breastfeeding success! See postpartum care section above for more details
Pregnancy Coaching $150 per session
Looking for a second opinion on your pregnancy and birth options? Want to plan a successful VBAC in the hospital? Do you want natural childbirth education, physical preparation, and non-medicalized resources to achieve your goals for birth? I’ll give you expert guidance and help you create a plan or system for birth or postpartum experience thats important to you.
Lactation Support Services $150 per session
Individualized in-person support and education for lactation. Resolve latch issues and reduce pain with breastfeeding. Reduce or eliminate supplemental feedings, transition to exclusive breastfeeding. Referral to IBCLC (lactation consultant) if needed.
Fertility Services- Intrauterine Insemination & Counseling - $500
Free Fertility Consultation
For families planning to conceive soon, please come in to learn more about midwifery care and our approach to supporting healthy conception.
· Nutrition Coaching
· Herbal Support
· Cycle tracking education and resources
· Referrals for complimentary fertility support care such as acupuncture, etc.
I recommend that families practice tracking their cycles and using LH strips to identify their ovulation for a minimum of 3 months before attempting IUI.
Next Generation Midwifery offers IUI services at home! After tracking your cycles for 3-6 months (so that you have a very strong chance of accurately predicting ovulation), we go on-call for your ovulation and do everything possible to do your IUI within 12 hours of your LH surge. We support your journey and do everything we can to create a special experience to help you conceive your baby. Currently we only offer IUI for families using sperm from a Cryobank, (aka frozen sperm) from a sperm bank. Using fresh sperm requires specialized equipment that we do not currently have.
Wellness Visits $150: General health and well-being, physical exams, nutrition & activity counseling, pre-conception counseling, breast exams & PAP tests.
IUD Removal $150:
We can remove your IUD right in the office or in your own home and save you an additional trip to the doctor. If you choose to hire Next Generation Midwifery for your birth you will be credited this fee towards your midwifery care!
Book a Free Consultation
We’ll discuss my services in detail and address any questions you may have.